Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) is a flagship programme launched jointly by the Departments of Higher Education and General Education as part of the State Skill Development Project with a view to enhancing the employability of students in schools and colleges.
Level One of ASAP has begun in selected colleges and higher secondary schools in the state during 2012-13. The training for Level One extends for 300 to 340 hours, which includes 180 hours of foundation Module and 120-160 hours of Skill Module. Training has commenced for the Foundation Module which includes Communicative English Skills (100) and Information Technology Skills (80 hours). Foundation Module is common to all students joining the programme. The second part of the Level One Programme is Skill Training which is imparted in the skill area chosen by the student from among those offered to the student.
ASAP in the College
The activities of ASAP have started in the college with its inaugural function. The formal inauguration was done by Sri. B.D. Devassy, Hon. MLA, Chalakudy in the auspicious function arranged in College Auditorium on 15-12-2012 in the presence of Chalakudy Municipal Chairman, various ward councilors, Vice -President PTA, the Principal and the Vice principal along with all Heads of Departments of the college.
ASAP Campus Recruitment
The final year Graduate and Postgraduate students from the campuses have been recruited and trained and transformed as Skill Development Executives (SDEs). The SDEs are responsible for imparting training in Information and Communication Technology Skill, which form the foundation module of the Level One programme of ASAP in the coming years. We are proud that 26 students from different departments of the college have been selected for the training programme of SDEs.
Coordinator: Smt. Jismy M. J.