Department of Political Science

The subject Political Science was included as one among the key subjects in the Pre-Degree programme since the inception of Panampilly Memorial Government College in 1975. The Departmentwas granted Bachelors programme in Political Science in the year 1999. Graduation in Political Science equips the students for anabundant range of careers like Civil Services,Policy Analysis,Law,International Relations, Market Research etc. The Bachelors programme is perfectly blended with complementary papers in Journalism and Audio Visual Communication which opens up careers in Broadcasting, Public Relations, Advertising, Cinema, Cyber Media Newspapers etc. A political science degree offer not just the knowledge and background needed for these jobs, but a complex set of skills as well.
The Department also offers Masters Programme in Political Science since 2012. This programme aims to achieve academic excellence and provides training for students to pursue a career in academics and research.Research, analysis, critical thinking, writing, problem-solving, and public speaking skills figure highly in our courses.