Dr. Jeepamol. J. Palathingal

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Official Address : P M Government College, Chalakudy
Permanent Address : Punnacka Kiluckan House, Behind Dhanya Hospital,Potta P O, Chalakudy, 680722
Date of Joining the Collegiate Education Department : 31-01-2005
Date of Joining the College : 07-06-2011
Details of Academic Qualifications and Research Degrees
Details of Teaching Experience
1. Lecturer, Govt. Engineering College Sreekrishnapuram, Govt. of Kerala, Regular, 31-01-2005 to 07-06-2006.
2. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Govt. Polytechnic College, Koratty , Govt. of Kerala, Regular, 08-06-2006 to 11-08-2008.
3. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Govt. Polytechnic College, Triprayar, Govt. of Kerala, Regular, 14-09-2009 to 06-06-2011.
4. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, P. M. Govt. College, Chalakudy, Govt. of Kerala, Regular, 07-06-2011 onwards.
Field of Specialization and research Interests
Graph Theory
Academic Positions held
1.Member of board of Question setters 2018-2020 ( St.Josephs College, Devagiri, Autonomous)
2. Member of board of scrutiny 2021 -22 (Vimala College , Autonomous)
3. Member of board of Question setters 2021 -22 (Kannur University)
4.Reviewer for the journal SEAJMMS.
Awards and Fellowships Received
Second rank in M Sc Mathematics ( CUSAT)
Received DST- SERB Grant for attending ICM 2018
Membership in Professional Bodies
Journal Publications - National/ International
1. Jeepamol J Palathingal and Aparna Lakshmanan S , Forbidden Subgraph Characterizations of Extensions of Gallai Graph Operator to Signed Graph, Annals of pure and Applied Mathematics, 14(3) (2017) 437-448.
2. Jeepamol J Palathingal and Aparna Lakshmanan S, Gallai and anti-Gallai Graph Operators, Electronic notes in Discrete Mathematics, 63(2017), 447-453.
3.Jeepamol J Palathingal and Aparna Lakshmanan S, Commutativity of Some Graph Operators, Research and Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures, 6(1), 2019, 1-5.
4.Jeepamol J. Palathingal, Gopalapillai Indulal, Aparna Lakshmanan S., Spectrum of Gallai Graph of Some Graphs, Indian J. of Pure and Appl. Math.51(4),(2020)1829-1841.
5.Jeepamol J. Palathingal, Gopalapillai Indulal, Aparna Lakshmanan S., Spectrum of anti-Gallai Graph of Some Graphs, (accepted in Indian J. of Pure and Appl. Math.).
6.Jeepamol J Palathingal and Aparna Lakshmanan S , Forbidden Subgraph Characterizations of Extensions of anti- Gallai Graph Operator to Signed Graph, Accepted for publication in AIP conference proceedings.
7. Jeepamol J Palathingal , Anu. V and Aparna Lakshmanan S, A Note on Common Neighborhood Graph, Accepted for publication in AIP conference proceedings.
8. Jeepamol J Palathingal, 2-connectedness of Dezza graph, accepted for publication in Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences.
9. Jeepamol J Palathingal, Bounds for the Eigenvalues of Gallai Graph of some Graphs, Accepted for publication in Mathematics Student.
Conference Publications - International
Conference Publications - National
Books / Book chapter Published - International National
Partial Differential Equations and Complex Analysis, Pentagon Educational Services, Teena Liza John, Pramada Ramachandran, Jeepamol J Palathingal, 819485637X, 978-8194856375, 2021
Paper Presentations
1. Gallai and anti-Gallai Graph Operators, International Conference on Current Trends in Graph Theory and Computation, South Asian University, New Delhi, September 17-19, 2016.
2. Signed Gallai Graph, Product Gallai and Dot Gallai Sigraph, International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics, Kalasalingam University, Tamil Nadu, December 19-21, 2016.
3. Dot-Gallai Signed Graph, 13th Annual ADMA Conference &Graph Theory Day- XIII, SSN college of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai, June 8-10, 2017.
4. Commutativity of some Graph Operators, International Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Periyar University, Salem, January 4-7, 2018.
5. Spectrum of Gallai Graph of Some Graphs, ICM 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 1-9, 2018.
6. Spectrum of Strongly Regular Graphs under Graph Operators” in “International Virtual Conference on Computational Mathematics-2K21, PPG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India held on June 24-25, 2021.
7. Forbidden Subgraph Characterizations of Extensions of Anti-Gallai Graph Operator to Signed Graph, International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied and Computational Mathematics (ICRTACM 2021), Reva Univertity, Bangaluru, 8-9 October 2021.
Invited Talks
1. Linear Algebra, Seminar organized by St. Xaviers College for Women, Aluva 0n 07/02/2017.
2. Introduction to Algebraic Graph Theory, Seminar organized by St.Xaviers College for Women, Aluva on 09/07/2018.
3. Resource person in national level webinar on Mathematical Software Workshop organized by Universal College of Engineering 5-11 June 2021.
Research Grants Received
Guideship Details
Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops organised
1. Coordinator of National Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and Fractal Geometry on 05/01/2012, DCE.
2. Coordinator of National workshop on differential Geometry from 21/10/2013 to 23/10/2013, DCE.
Student Related Activities
1. Ho. D of General Department of Govt.Polytechnic College, Triprayar, 2010-11.
2. Coordinator of EDUSAT 2012-15.
3. Coordinator of CSS 2012-14.
4. Coordinator of Remadial Teaching 2013=2015.
5. Coordinator of Scholarship 2019-20.
Countries Visited
Orientation & Refresher/ Research Methodology/ Short Term Course attended
Orientation Course at John Mathai Centre, University of Calicut from 06/01/2010 to 02/02/2010
Refresher Course in Mathematics at Academic Staff College, University of Calicut, Kozhikode, from 11/07/2012 to 31/07/2012.
Refresher course in Mathematics at UGC-HRDC, University of Kerala, Kariyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram from 04/08/2015 to 24/08/2015
Short term course on Soft Skill Development HRDC University of Calicut from 19/03 2019 to 25/03/2015.
Short term course on MOOCS, E-Content Development and Open Educational Resources HRDC, University of Kerala from 25-9-2019 to 01-10-2019
Seminars/ Training programmes attended:
1. National workshop on Coding Theory, Graph Theory& Fractal Geometry at St. Josephs College, Irinjalakuda during March 21-25, 2006
2. National Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and Fractal Geometry on 05/01/2012 at P M Govt. College, Chalakudy
3. National Seminar on Mathematics for Computer Science on 13-01-2012 at K K T M College, Kodungalloor.
4. National Seminar on Number Theory and its Application on 10th &11th December 2012 at K K T M College, Kodungalloor.
5. National workshop on differential Geometry from 21/10/2013 to 23/10/2013 at P M Govt. College, Chalakudy
6. National seminar on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications in New perspective from 10th&11th January 2013 at P M Govt. College, Chalakudy.
7. National Seminar on Measure with its Applications in Analysis and Probability on 18th 19th November 2013 at K K T M College, Kodungalloor
8. National Seminar on Graph Theory and its application during 7-9 August 2014 at St. Xaviers College, Aluva.
9. National workshop on Algebra from 20/11/2014 to 21/11/2014 at P M Govt. College, Chalakudy
10. National workshop on Scale-free Networks during 12-15, February 2015 at Cochin University of Science and Technology.
11. National Seminar on Mathematical Modeling and its Application from 14thto 15th January, 2016 at U C College, Aluva.
12. National seminar on Operators and Matrices at Govt. Victoria College, Palakkad during 2-3 November 2017.
13. National workshop on Math Computing on 26th and 27th October 2018 at P M G C Chalakudy.
• International
14. International Conference on Recent Trends in Graph Theory and Combinatorics ICRTGC-2010 during 12-15, August 2010 at Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin.
15. Pre-Conference workshop on Recent advances in Signed Graphs and their application organized at Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur from 06-06-2016 to 08-06- 2016, also participated in the international conference on Discrete Mathematics from 09- 06-2016 to 11-06-2016 in the same institute.
16. International Conference on Current Trends in Graph Theory and Computation, held during September 17-19, 2016 at South Asian University, New Delhi.
17. International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics during December 19-21, 2016.
18. Pre-Conference workshop on Graph algorithm organized at SSN college of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai from 05-06-2017 to 07-06-2017, also participated in the 13th Annual ADMA Conference & Graph Theory Day- XIII from 08-06-2017 to 10-06-2017 in the same institution.
19. International Conference on Recent Trends in Graphs and Networks (ICRTGN 2017) during October 30 to November 1, 2017 at ST.Xaviers College, Aluva.
20. International Conference on Discrete Mathematics during 04-01-2018 to 07-01-2018 at Periyar University, Salem.
21. International Conference on Recent Trends in Graph Theory and Combinatorics during 26-29, April 2018 at CUSAT.
22. International Congress of Mathematicians at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during 1-9 August, 2018.
23. International Conference on Algebra and Related Topics on 13-14 December 2019 at P M G C Chalakudy.
24. International Conference on Graph Labelling and Applications ICGLA-2020 (Webinar) September 17-19, 2020.
25. International Virtual Conference on Computational Mathematics-2K21, PPG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India held on June 24-25, 2021.
26. International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied and Computational Mathematics (ICRTACM 2021), Reva Univertity, Bangaluru, 8-9 October 2021.