Computer Science Department

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1. Jomy John, Prakash G N, Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Seeds for A Sustainable Agriculture Intelligent Computing Systems, KONGUNADU PUBLICATIONS INDIA PVT LTD, 2021, Page No. 16, ISBN 978-93-92042-09-6
2. Jomy John, “Spatial Domain Feature Extraction Methods for Unconstrained Handwritten Malayalam Character Recognition”, International Conference on Machine Learning and Neural Information Systems, 18.03.2021, ISBN-13: 978-93-90614-27-1
3. Jomy John, Kevin K Moony, “Design of an automated street light control system”, National Seminar on Big Data and IoT, Paper Presentation, 2019
4. Jomy John, Green Computing Practices: A Paradigm Shift, etude, A peer reviewed multidisciplinary research journal, Page No. 116-123, ISSN 2394-6482, Volume V, September 2018
5. Jino P J, Jomy John, Kannan Balakrishnan, Offline handwritten Malayalam character recognition: A convolutional neural network/8th National conference on Indian Language Computing, 16.03.2018-17.03.2018 ISBN 978-81-936217-1-4
6. Jino P. J., Jomy John, Kannan Balakrishnan, “Offline Handwritten Malayalam Character Recognition using Stacked LSTM”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, July 6-7, 2017, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur, 10.1109/ICICICT1.2017.8342807, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-6106-8 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-6107-5
7. Jomy John, “Recognition of Documents in Braille”, Infinitude: Frontiers of Research in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, UGC-HRDC, University of Calicut, August, 2016, Pages 217-232; ISBN:9788191070627
8. Jomy John, “Deep Learning in Image Computing: An Overview” , International Journal of Scientific Inventions and Innovations (IJSII), volume1, Issue 1, pages 33-40, July 2016

9. Jomy John, Kannan Balakrishnan & Pramod, K. V. (2016). Handwritten Malayalam character recognition with a novel gradient based feature descriptor and a comparative study using SVM and ELM. Int. Journal on Advances in Engineering Technology and Science, 2(3), 13-20. Volume: 2, Issue: 3, May-June 2016, e-ISSN: 2455-3131
10. Jomy John, Pramod K. V., Kannan Balakrishnan, “Support Vector Machine for Malayalam Handwritten Character Recognition”, KKTM Cognizance, A Multi Disciplinary Journal, ISSN 2456-4168, March 2016.
11. Jomy John, “Weka – A data mining software for classification, regression and clustering/National workshop on Linux and Open Source Tools”, Proceedings of National Workshop on Linux and Open Source Tools, March 17-18, 2016
12. Jomy John, K. V. Pramod, Kannan Balakrishnan, Bidyut B. Chaudhuri, ”A two stage approach for handwritten Malayalam character recognition”, 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR-2014), September 1-4, 2014, Crete, Greece. pp-199-204 ISBN: 978-1-4799-4335-7
13. Jomy John, Kannan Balakrishnan, K. V. Pramod, “A system for offline recognition of handwritten characters in Malayalam script”, International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing (IJIGSP), MECS-Press, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 53-59, ISSN 2074-9074, DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2013.04.07
14. Jomy John, Kannan Balakrishnan, Pramod K. V., ”Grouping scheme for the recognition of handwritten Malayalam vowels, consonants, compound characters and vowel-consonant signs”, IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing – ICCSP’13, April 2-4, 2013, Melmaruvathur, India. ISBN: 978-1-4673-1620-0
15. Jomy John, Pramod K. V., Kannan Balakrishnan, “Unconstrained Handwritten Malayalam Character Recognition using Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machine Classifier”, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, Volume 30, 2012, Pages 598-605, ISSN 1877-7058, 10.1016/ j.proeng.2012.01.904.
16. Jomy John, Kannan Balakrishnan, K. V. Pramod, “Malayalam Character Recognition System for Camera Enabled Mobile Devices”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Nov/Dec2012, Vol. 3 Issue 6, p31-38. 8p. ISSN No. 0976-5697.
17. Jomy John, Pramod K.V, Balakrishnan, K., “Offline handwritten Malayalam Character Recognition based on chain code histogram”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical and Computer Technology, pp.736-741, March 23-24, 2011, Kanyakumari, India.
18. Simily Joseph, Jomy John, Kannan Balakrishnan, Pramod K. V, “Content Based Image Retrieval System for Malayalam Handwritten Characters”, IEEE International Conference on Network and Computer Science, April 8-10, 2011,Kanyakumari,India. URL:
19. Jomy John, Pramod K. V, Kannan Balakrishnan, “Handwritten Character Recognition of South Indian Scripts: A Review”, National Conference on Indian Language Computing, Cochin, February 19-20, 2011, arXiv preprint arXiv:1106.0107
20. Jomy John, Data Mining Applications in IT Enabled Services, National Seminar, Department of Computer Applications, MES College, Nedumkandam, 2008
21. Jomy John and Madhu S. Nair, “Centralized Security Warning Model for Reducing the Cost of Security Holes Vulnerability”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol.2, No.4, pp.294-298, Jan-Feb 2007, ISSN 0973-292 6.